
4月8日,某研究所将NMT技术应用于钙信号研究,测试样品为小麦,测试指标为Ca2+,在旭月研究院完成实验。| 5月9号,某研究院将NMT技术应用于逆境生理领域,测试样品为黄瓜幼苗,测试指标为NO3-、NH4+,在旭月研究院完成实验。| 6月2号,某研究院将NMT技术应用于逆境胁迫领域,测试样品为棉花苗,测试指标为Ca2+、H+、K+、Na+、IAA,在旭月研究院完成实验。| 6月5号,某研究院将NMT技术应用于植物逆境领域,测试样品为苜蓿,测试指标为K+,在旭月研究院完成实验。| 6月9号,某研究所将NMT技术应用于水稻逆境领域,测试样品为水稻,测试指标为Na+、Ca2+,在中国科学院植物研究所完成实验。| 6月11号,某研究院将NMT技术应用于植物抗逆领域,测试样品为酵母细胞,测试指标为IAA,在旭月研究院完成实验。| 6月16号,某高校将NMT技术应用于昆虫研究,测试样品为昆虫,测试指标为Ca2+、K+,在旭月研究院完成实验。| 6月19号,某研究院将NMT技术应用于植物抗逆领域,测试样品为拟南芥,测试指标为Ca2+,在旭月研究院完成实验。|

期刊:Plant Soil
标题:Chloride transport at plant-soil Interface modulates barley cd tolerance
Cd2+、K+、H+、Ca2+、Cl-流实验方法:三日龄大麦,(1)500μM CdCl2瞬时胁迫处理,(2)500μM CdCl2处理1、2、4、24小时,(3)1 mM Na3VO4处理30min后500μM的CdCl 2处理40min。
 Cd2+、K+、H+、Ca2+、Cl-流实验测试液成份: 0.5mM KCl,0.1mM CaCl 2和0.5mM CdCl 2



Cadmium (Cd) is a toxic metal in soilsand its accumulation in plants poses severe problems to agri-culturalproduction and human health. Most of research has focused on the Cd toxicity toplants, but reports on Cd co-transport and regulation by the major counter ionChloride (Cl) is limited. This study aims to understand the mechanisms of theinteraction between soil Cl and phytol-toxicity of Cd.

We utilised soil chemical, plantphysiological, biophysical, and molecular approaches to test the hy-pothesisthat Cl transport increases the mobility and phytol-toxicity of Cd to barley.

Cd-sensitive Gairdner utilised highamount of Cl− from soil for optimal growth and yield in the control, ut thisalso caused higher tissue Cd uptake and signif-icantly affected photosynthesisin treatments of Cd-Cl combinations. Net ion fluxes from the root mature zonein Cd treatments and relative expression of transporter genes exhibitedstriking difference between two geno-types. Our results also highlightedevidence that Cd sensitivity is related to higher Cl− and Cd2+ uptake and lowercapacity to regulate root ion homeostasis and gene expression.

We present a new finding thatsoil Cl− and Cd availability and Cd uptake and its interaction with other ionsplay a major role in barley Cd tolerance. These findings will guide futurebreeding for low Cl− uptake genotypes to reduce Cd accumulation for barleygrown in Cd contaminated soils and for the economi-cally sound and cleaner productionof barley for the global feed, food and brewery industry.







Fig. 3Transient and time-dependent Cd-induced ion flux from barley roots. Net K+ (a,f), H+ (b, g), Ca2+ (c, h), Cl (d, i), and Cd2+ (e, j) fluxes at transient(a-e) and steady-state (f-j) were determined from mature root zone of 3-day-oldbarley seedlings of Gebeina and Gairdner at 0, 0.33, 1, 2, 4 and 24 h. Data aremean±standard error (n =4–10 seedlings)
