
4月8日,某研究所将NMT技术应用于钙信号研究,测试样品为小麦,测试指标为Ca2+,在旭月研究院完成实验。| 5月9号,某研究院将NMT技术应用于逆境生理领域,测试样品为黄瓜幼苗,测试指标为NO3-、NH4+,在旭月研究院完成实验。| 6月2号,某研究院将NMT技术应用于逆境胁迫领域,测试样品为棉花苗,测试指标为Ca2+、H+、K+、Na+、IAA,在旭月研究院完成实验。| 6月5号,某研究院将NMT技术应用于植物逆境领域,测试样品为苜蓿,测试指标为K+,在旭月研究院完成实验。| 6月9号,某研究所将NMT技术应用于水稻逆境领域,测试样品为水稻,测试指标为Na+、Ca2+,在中国科学院植物研究所完成实验。| 6月11号,某研究院将NMT技术应用于植物抗逆领域,测试样品为酵母细胞,测试指标为IAA,在旭月研究院完成实验。| 6月16号,某高校将NMT技术应用于昆虫研究,测试样品为昆虫,测试指标为Ca2+、K+,在旭月研究院完成实验。| 6月19号,某研究院将NMT技术应用于植物抗逆领域,测试样品为拟南芥,测试指标为Ca2+,在旭月研究院完成实验。|

NMT历史上的今天丨Front Plant Sci:高铵抑制小麦根部钾吸收


2014年12月16日,山东省农科院孔令安用NMT在Frontiers in Plant Science上发表了标题为Effects of high NH4+ on K+ uptake, culm mechanical strength and grain filling in wheat的研究成果。


  • 期刊:Frontiers in Plant Science
  • 主题:高铵抑制小麦根部钾吸收
  • 标题:Effects of high NH4+on K+ uptake, culm mechanical strength and grain filling in wheat
  • 影响因子:4.495
  • 检测指标:K+流速
  • 通讯作者:山东省农科院孔令安


It is well established that a high external NH4+ concentration depresses many processes in plant development, but the underlying mechanisms are still not well understood. To determine whether the negative effects of high levels of NH4+ are related to competitive cation uptake, wheat was grown in a field with moderate (18 g N m−2) and high (30 g N m−2) supplies o fNH4+ in the presence or absence of additional K+ (6 g K2O m−2) to examine culm mechanical strength, the main components of the vascular bundle, nitrogen (N) remobilization and the grain-filling rate.

The results indicated that an excessive supply of NH4+ significantly decreased culm mechanical strength, the cellulose and lignin contents of vascular bundles, the N remobilization efficiency (NRE) and the grain-filling rate compared with a moderate level ofNH4+. The additional provision of K+ considerably alleviated these negative effects of high NH4+, resulting in a 19.41–26.95% increase in culm mechanical strength during grain filling and a 34.59% increase in the NRE. An assay using the scanning ion-selective electrode technique (SIET) showed that the net rate of transmembrane K+ influx decreased by 84.62%, and measurements using flame photometry demonstrated that the K+ content decreased by 36.13% in wheat plants subjected to high NH4+.

This study indicates that the effects of high NH4+ on culm mechanical strength, cellulose and lignin contents, the NRE and the grain-filling rate are probably associated with inhibition of K+ uptake in wheat.


众所周知,外部NH4+ 的高浓度会抑制植物发育中的许多过程,但其潜在机理仍未得到很好的理解。为了确定高水平的NH4+的负面影响是否与竞争性阳离子摄入相关,将小麦种植在提供适量(18 g N m-2)和大量(30 g N m-2)NH4+的田地上在存在或不存在额外的K+(6 g K2O m-2)的情况下进行图4的测试,以检查茎秆机械强度,维管束的主要成分,氮(N)迁移和谷粒填充率。



(B) The effects of 10 mM NH4+ on the kinetics of the net K+ fluxes in wheat root epidermal cells; each point is the mean from six individual plants. (C) Each column presents the mean values of the K+ fluxes measured in the root epidermal cells over a recording period of 30 min. Nm: moderate NH4+,Nh:10mM NH4+ treatment. The bars represent the standard deviation for six individual plants. The different letters indicated above each column refer to significant differences at the P < 0.05 level.
